Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's the next shape of the world?

According to Malcom Gladwell's Outliers, the world changes and only the people who is at the right time, in the right place, and with the correct competences have the opportunity to truly shine. The case of Bill Gates and many others.

Seems that the so called Social Revolution already got their shiners, from Obama to, and from now, only guest stars are invited to the party, and of course, there will be a lot of casualties, from the already hurt newspaper business to the Universities as don Tapscott kindly predicts it here.

[ What kind of technology is about to be discovered is certainly not known, but there's a little light on what could be researched...]

A little self thinking made me think that the next shape of the world is definitively the physics. Over the past 60 years there has been only theoretical physics, and almost zero empirical results. That cause humans don't have the technology or the energy to take their theories to the real world, but with cloud computing and the huge facilities that are already built and in process of building, is a matter of time to have the firsts results and start a new revolution, just when the semiconductors were discovered leading us to the world as we know it in the area of computers.

What kind of technology is about to be discovered is certainly not known, but there's a little light on what could be researched... It has to do with time/space traveling, developing work without energy, transmitting energy without using physical mediums or maybe a new way of computing or networking that let everything we know obsolete... just like the transistor let the tube in the past being better in every single aspect (not every single but in 99.99%).

It's hard to say if we can prepare for this change... we could since we can have enough time to get our 10k hours in, but what's the proficiencies required? maybe the shiners will not be physicists but people that actually work with the results. Just like Sony did in his early stages doing the 1st "pocketable radio" in their words, when a radio was a piece of furniture.

[No matter what shape the world takes, we have to be shining in our areas and hope that it turn our way]

So being prepared for the next change is almost impossible. It comes to a "right place at the right time" situation where mostly luck is involved, but certainly there's only a few pieces of the pie, and taking one will be only for the best prepared and fast reacters... so, no matter what shape the world takes, we have to be shining in our areas and hope that it turn our way.

Like what you just read? Twitt it:
Are you prepared for the (not so) brave new world?

Or Twitt it in RT mode:
RT @edavaria: Are you prepared for the (not so) brave new world? comment please
Eduardo Avaria

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