Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is the lureness the way to go?

On yesterday's post I wrote a lot about some "Twitter marketing", but searching over other authors, there seems that the universal approach is not to add marcketing strategies at all.

They don't speak of stickiness, nor lureness or anything but being you. Showing the human side of the guy behind the PC seems to be the way to success while connecting to your tweeps (followers). Of course, neing yourself and showing your social side is always good, but other than sharing your honest opinions on other's people tweets, and sharing a personal interest link one or twice, I still believe that the messages should be a hook for retweeting, no mater if the content is yours or not, but it shuld lure the click and aim to the RT.

Maybe once you have a certain number of followers (certainly more than 30) the strategy should change, so RT is not as important as delivering true and honest opinions about content. Of course both points are extremely important, the issue is how to leverage both sides of Twitter depending on your current status. Please comment, I'm really looking forward to your feed.

Like what you read? Twitt It

Wondering what's the best strategy for tweeting. Please comment http://twurl.nl/pl3zkh

Or Twitt it in Retweet mode:

RT @edavaria: Wondering what's the best strategy for tweeting. Please comment http://twurl.nl/pl3zkh

Eduardo Avaria

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