Friday, March 27, 2009

The Stickiest Book Ever.

Hi all. After a week full of work, I've finally made some time to post. Also managed to finish the book Made to Stick by Criph and Dan Heat. It's a book from 2007. In today's standars can be called old, or at least not on the cutting edge, but it's contents are completely timeless. It's so sticky that it's sticked into the cutting edge.
At some point the book loose it's interest, cause it need to make a lot of points, loosing simplicity, but the golden brochure makes you remember every single situation and give's you the why of every single word in the whole book.
Once you start reading it, it sounds like every other success story telling book, but it's actually the opposite. It's like revealing the magick tricks secrets. It tells you a story that you probably have heard before, or some that you would probably hear in motivation talks or productivity speechs, but exposing all the "secrets" and telling you the way to build them or to spot it when you see it in your everyday life.
This is a book that simply cannot be resumed or told. I can told you in 20 lines what the book teach you and what's the checlist for Success, but the actual value here comes from the journey of reading it more than the actual conclusions.
A quick application of the SUCCES checklist into the book would be like:

Simple: not really, has a lot of topics that needs to be communicated. Even the core idea is clear... stickyness, need to deal with the SUCCES list, the curse of knowledge, burying the lead and others. Even it's not simple as one can wish, is hard to make a book simpler.

Unespected: Yes, it breaks your patterns of learning from books. The schema used is somehow standard, but makes interesting what should be boring and definitely suprises you every know and then with strange situations and nice stories.

Concrete: The book is all about concreteness. Everything is real life case studies, things that we all have in our minds, some numbers or stories gotten from other sources like Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Credible: Everything is presented in a logic way and usually with background from important sources and names. It has also passed the "test of time" at least during his first year with a huge lot of 5 stars reviews. May not be credible at first glance, but has "experts" backing it up.

Emotional: All the stories and situations are presented in an emotional way. It make you feel like the protagonist, and always reffer to their names. The name mean nothing, but makes you feel like it can be you. Also when he reveals the misteries of the stories, make you feel that "oh" that only a few can. Pretty emotional.

Stories: This is what the book is all about. Stories are what make you remember, and in the final chapter, when you are faced to the torrent of technical information and guidelines, is nice to feel that only the reference to the story can make you remember all the situation and how you (and not the author) made yourself into this point into the "rule" that is needed for stickyness.

This is what i can say about the book. I'm a begginner in the stickyness bussiness, so don't trust my word. Get your copy (or the audiobook as i did) and take this awesome trip. You can also read the excerpt at that has the begining of the book. I certanly let some gaps into the review trying to make you feel more interested. Also I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from the Curse of Knowledge as I'm writing this, but this is what this blog is all about.

Eduardo Avaria

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