Monday, March 16, 2009

Facebook failing at reading your mind.

On the past few days, we saw a “strike” from the giant facebook that was supposed to hit twitter. Adding it’s full functionality, making twitter not useful anymore if you have your facebook account. Or not?

“Nobody wants to hear twits from friends… I want to hear twits from the people that I’m following. Is a matter of roles.”

I can see where this move comes from. The question “What are you doing?” don’t lead the user to the right use of twitter. Probably developers didn’t even think of it, and the tool was intended to be other than what it is today, for sure! But the success of Twitter is based on responding the question ”What’s important to my followers?” as Jeremiah says in his Twitter FAQ. Since it would be a little sophisticated for most casual users, “What’s on your mind?” seems to be a good simple and concrete choice… but not for facebook. Facebok should ask “What’s important to my friends?”, and there lies the center of the flaw in the logic. Twitter success is not based on what it does, but in what it doesn’t. It don’t allow you to keep a friendship relationship alive… it allow you to form and keep a follower-followed relationship. Nobody wants to hear twits from friends… I want to hear twits from the people that I’m following. Is a matter of roles.

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