Friday, May 29, 2009

Back on Posting

It's been a few weeks since my last post. I've been solving some really important issues. Things like the way my career should go, how to make money for my personal projects, how much academy and how much business and a lot of things more, including studies... a bit of Artificial Intelligence, some Business Intelligence, a lot of marketing and enterprise creation.
Of course I haven't forget about my beloved books. Wikinomics was finished more than a month ago, and Tribes: We need you to lead us was after that. Of course I'm posting my very own review of both pretty soon.

Right now I'm defining my next project. Have several good choices, every one of them as good as the former, but with different aspects. That's the problem. Hope to make my mind soon and be back on the hardcore posting. I guess that tomorrow will be up the Tribes' review. A pretty good book, short and neat that absolutely deserves a comment.

Eduardo Avaria

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